A compact DAA shelf to deliver high speed data, video and voice services
Advanced RF capability, modularity, and remote configuration
Ideal for video-only EdgeQAM replacement and more

Your compact R-PHY shelf
for maximum network performance
The Wave Remote PHY Shelf is fully redundant. Consolidate your hardware to reduce real-estate requirements with full convergence of your services.
Lower your power consumption with an optimized design that respects industry standards. You can deliver the best-of-breed service quality to meet subscriber demands with minimal hardware investment.
3 RPDs
Wave Remote PHY Shelf features
Compare our PHY shelves
- Form Factor
- RPD Density
- RPD Modules
- RPD Options
- Power Supply Redundancy
- Power Supply Options

Wave Compact DAA Shelf
- Form Factor 1-RU
- RPD Density Up to 3 RPDs
RPD Modules
1 RPD per module
Up to 3 modules per chassis
- RPD Options 1DS x 1US, 1DS x 2US, NDF/NDR
- Power Supply Redundancy true
- Power Supply Options AC (110VAC, 220VAC), DC (-48VDC)

Reef High-Density DAA Shelf
- Form Factor 2-RU
- RPD Density Up to 18 RPDs
RPD Modules
1 RPD per module
Up to 9 modules per chassis - RPD Options 1DS x 1US, 1DS x 2US
- Power Supply Redundancy true
- Power Supply Options AC (110VAC, 220VAC), DC (-48VDC)

Wave Remote PHY Shelf for all your broadband needs
Virtualize your CMTS
Disaggregate the CMTS to start leveraging the full benefits of cloud-native virtualization. Reduce energy and real estate to prepare for your seamless migration to the next generation of broadband.
Deploy R-PHY
Understand the essential steps and prepare for your R-PHY deployment. The cost benefits go far beyond just speed and optimization. Set your access network up for the future of broadband today.
Prepare for DAA
Get key insights on how your business benefits from a virtualized cable access network. The first step to DAA is virtualization. You can start your journey now at a lesser cost with increased savings.
Frequently asked questions
What are the services Harmonic offers for Wave?
Harmonic has a team of network experts to work alongside your operators, technicians and engineers. We can support your network planning, deployment, installation, configuration, troubleshooting and maintenance 24/7 and 365 days per year.
How can I receive support for cOS Wave?
All Harmonic cOS customers have access to our state-of-the-art cOS Central platform. You'll have access to a complete set of cloud-based tools and services to simplify your cable and broadband network monitoring, management and operations.
If you need immediate support, you can either:
Report your issue through your cOS Portal
Or call our product experts at any number of your convenience